
2. Setup a Discourse development environment (Ubuntu)

1. What is Disraptor?
3. Deploy Discourse with Disraptor

Inside Docker (preferred)

  1. Install docker and postresql
    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install docker postgresql
  2. Add yourself to the docker group
    sudo usermod -aG docker $USER
  3. Clone the Discourse and Disraptor git repositories
    git clone https://github.com/discourse/discourse.git
    git clone https://github.com/disraptor/disraptor.git
  4. Link the Disraptor plugin into Discourse
    cd discourse/plugins
    ln -s ../../disraptor disraptor
  5. Boot up the development container. Keep an eye on the terminal. It will try to create an account for the forums for you and will ask for E-Mail and password.
    cd  ..
    d/boot_dev --init

    the --init flag is only needed for setting up. Whenever you have to use boot_dev again you may use the command without that flag.

  6. Start the Ember CLI and the Rails server in 2 separate terminals
    d/rails s

And done! You should be able to connect to now and see the Discourse setup wizard.

NOTE: Since Discourse and Disraptor run in a docker container now your web it cannot see your web application by default since it is not yet using the host network but rather the docker internal network. To fix this you can change the docker run command at the bottom of the d/boot_dev script to include the --network="host" flag.

Local installation

(Closely following discourse.org: Beginners Guide to Install Discourse on Ubuntu for Development)

  1. Install the following packages:

    sudo apt update
    sudo apt install git build-essential libxslt1-dev libcurl4-openssl-dev libksba8 libksba-dev libqtwebkit-dev libreadline-dev libssl-dev zlib1g-dev libsnappy-dev libsqlite3-dev sqlite3 postgresql postgresql-server-dev-all postgresql-contrib redis-server curl imagemagick advancecomp gifsicle jpegoptim libjpeg-progs optipng pngcrush pngquant jhead
  2. Install a current version of Ruby (via rvm or rbenv).

    Restart your terminal and check whether you’re using the correct Ruby version.

  3. Install the following ruby gems:

    gem install rails postgresql
  4. Setup the PostgreSQL database.

    4.1. Open the PostgreSQL prompt.

    sudo -u postgres psql postgres

    4.2. Create a new database user with the same name as your system user account with the password discourse.


    4.3. Create the discourse_development and discourse_test databases.

    CREATE DATABASE discourse_development WITH OWNER ubuntuusername ENCODING 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;
    CREATE DATABASE discourse_test WITH OWNER ubuntuusername ENCODING 'UTF8' TEMPLATE template0;

    4.4. Exit the prompt by pressing Ctrl+D.

  5. Configure discourse_development database.

    5.1. Login to the discourse_development with the newly created database user and the previously set password.

    psql -d discourse_development -U ubuntuusername -h localhost

    5.2. Create the extensions pg_trgm and hstore.


    5.3. Exit the prompt by pressing Ctrl+D.

  6. Repeat the previous step for discourse_test (instead of discourse_development).
  7. Setup Discourse.

    7.1. Clone the Discourse repository (github.com/discourse/discourse).

    7.2. Navigate to the local repository.

    cd discourse

    7.3. Install Discourse’s dependencies.

    bundle install

    7.4. Run this:

    bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate
    RAILS_ENV=test bundle exec rake db:create db:migrate

    7.5. Start the local development server.

    RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails server
  8. Create a new admin user. With this user, you can log in to Discourse once the server was started.

    RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rake admin:create
  9. Start the local development server like this:

    RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails server

    or like this to have the server be available remotely:

    RAILS_ENV=development bundle exec rails server --binding=
  10. Setup Disraptor.

10.1. Clone the Disraptor repository (github.com/disraptor/disraptor).

10.2. Navigate to Discourse’s plugin directory.

   cd discourse/plugins

10.3. Create a symbolic link to the location of the Disraptor plugin (the following command assumes that the Disraptor repository is located right next to the Discourse repository).

   ln -s ../../disraptor disraptor
  1. Login to Discourse at localhost:3000.
  2. Activate the Disraptor plugin.

    12.1. Navigate to localhost:3000/admin/plugins

    12.2. Click Settings next to “disraptor”.

    12.3. Check Enable Disraptor and apply the changes by pressing the tick mark next to the checkbox.

  3. Create a new route at localhost:3000/admin/plugins/disraptor